During a hearing, a record must be made and this is done by a court reporter. While many people know the image of a woman pecked at a stenographer machine in the classroom can be seen, hardly makes for a court reporter or that there are actually several types of court reporters.
The task of a court reporter seems simple, record the events and words spoken in the course of the arbitration process, or deposition. However, this is a positionThis requires skill and speed, and accuracy, as the reports are used for legitimate purposes. Understand the different types of court reporters, and the benefits and the ruins of each style of communication will help the best way for your purposes.
There are three basic forms of coverage that we consider here.
Steno-mask Reporting
This type of court reporter is often found in political consultations and is a very accurate registrationeverything that is said. The mask is a device which the reporter on everything that is spoken in the classroom can be repeated. It also has a device to silence, so that the rest of the room won "t listen to what the court reporter said into the microphone. The recording is then transcribed by a professional, but often these days a computer recognition Voice Software used for immediate subtitles and transcripts, which can be viewed in real time by the judge and lawyersTime.
During the trial, the journalist not only repeats everything that is said in the room, but also adds in the instructions and notes that, where appropriate, for the typist to type correct, knowledge of the record. The reactions and the things that people in the classroom, when referring to the case.
Steno Typing
A stenographer is like a typewriter keyboard shortcut you can press reporters during a series of keys that canbe used to put a lot of information very quickly and this is what most of us know when we think of stenographers. This machine requires a court reporter who is trained in its use and that can move quickly to obtain all the information which is discussed during a court hearing.
In many cases, a computer, allowing a steady stream of lawyers in all its monitor what is said, more or less connected in real time. This of course requires very fastskills and the ability to transcribe what is heard almost immediately.
Electronic registration
The more modern approach to judicial reporters, of course, is anything to record electronically. While traditional video is not allowed in the courtroom, recording devices are used to capture the sound that occurs. So everything that is said is recorded. This is normally a very simple process and doesn `t provide the text stream in real time, the other two methods.The recordings are transcribed by a professional typist.
With microphones and a recording system works well in the courtroom to hear where it isn `t possible for a person who said everything from a single location, usually the size or shape of the room.
The nature of the court reporter that is appropriate for each case will depend to a favorite part, but necessary. For a court with poor acoustics, electronic registration is probably required, but if you need realtranscripts will be very useful in a time of two other methods of shorthand.
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