One of the lesser known forms of cancer and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) called. This is also used as a "pre-leukemia", but no longer known, because the term is misleading.
With MDS, the bone marrow is overactive, but not the normal number of healthy blood cells produced in the blood. If the interruption in the continuous production of blood cells, the different types of blood cells have an abnormal number and the bone marrow begins to deteriorate. Patients with MDShave a low volume or high in one or all of these blood cells (red, white and platelets).
Although the syndrome of MDS may be genetically determined, especially in children of developing cancer, there are also environmental factors that are known to cause abnormalities in healthy cells, making those that cause cancer. MDS is a known carcinogen. This organic chemical called benzene. E 'in gasoline, synthetic rubber, paints and plastics. The chemical is still used, althoughThere are alternatives. Those who had inhaled, the benzene and treated for an extended period often acquired MDS.
According to medical reports, only one third of patients get worse after the diagnosis of MDS. Their condition often progresses to acute myeloid leukemia (AML).
MDS syndrome is very rare in children and young people. Early diagnosis of the disease is rare. When the body lacks a normal number of healthy blood cells, the symptoms beginto appear.
A person can of MDS, if he or she must be suffering these symptoms:
Still breathless
abnormal paleness of the skin
Uncontrolled bleeding
Slightly injured
Weight Loss
If you have one or all of the above symptoms, discuss his case with a lawyer suffering.
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