DUI means Driving under Influence and DWI means Driving While Intoxicated. Though both appear to be the same, there are a few hairline differences between the same. Under the Texas law, DWI offence involves driving while intoxicated with alcohol or any other dangerous drug or a combination of both. But, the term DUI is used only when a minor is found driving a motor vehicle after consuming a detectable amount of alcohol.
The point to be noted in the Texas law is that DUI is meant
1. Only for minors and
2. Only in case of drunkenness with alcohol.
In all the other cases, only DWI applies. Though the explanation above is in case of Texas, different states handle these terms differently and what is stated is not a blanket definition.
The acronyms DUI and DWI have become very common place in today's society. It is said that at least three out of every ten Americans has been directly or indirectly involved in some drunken driving accident. This is also the most leading cause of death among the youth in developed countries.
What is lacking is not just awareness and common sense but also calm and compassion. The 'don't-care' attitude prevalent in today's society makes people disregard the safety of the millions of people who travel along with them everyday on the roads.
If you are drunk, do not drive. Hire a cab, walk up the distance or ask for a lift. Remember, you are unfit to drive a vehicle for 12 hours after you consume your last drink.
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