It is time to concern ourselves with only one thing, the destruction of the United States Government--and the replacement of that corrupt body with an honest version of government: USA 2.0.
What is USA 2.0?
It is a government based on the original Constitution of the United States, with but one exception.
I will list that one exception shortly, and explain it in a future article. For now, however, let's discuss the Constitution itself.
The Constitution of the United States is the finest and most perfect contract ever written. When I speak of the Constitution, please know that I am referring to the Declaration of Independence, and other documents of the time which support the writing, implementation, and understanding of this incredible contract.
I am not speaking of the laws, regulations, taxes and general corruption that diseased individuals have tried to include in their actions and interpretations of that contract.
I am not a Republican or a Democrat, for those are corrupted people seeking self interest.
I am not a unionist or communist or fascist.
I am not a Greener or a Libertarian or any other such fellow.
I am a Constitutionalist.
And the rest of the country may realize that, and what it means, and join me as they wish.
A Constitutionalist is a sovereign citizen as designated by Providence.
A Constitutionalist is created equal, but what he does with that status is up to him.
He believes in and supports USA 2.0.
The reason the Constitution is so perfect is that it creates a bulwark between sovereigns and those people who would have a person be less than he is.
By 'those people' I refer to all monarchies, dictators, and that ilk of people and groups and governments who attempt to war, through overt or covert means, upon the Constitution, and thereby the sovereigns of the Constitution.
'We the people,' are the sovereigns living in a geographically designed area on this planet. It is possible for other people on this planet to recognize their sovereignty and join USA 2.0. This is done solely by embracing USA 2.0, and applying for admission to the Union.
The Union is made up of 50 geographically designated groups of sovereigns referred to as states, but which are, in fact, republics.
The federal government is a made up body of people, granted a parcel of land in the Republic of Maryland.
The federal government exists solely by contract with the people of the United States, as represented by their unique and individual republics. This contract is the Constitution of the United States.
However, the federal government, through corruption and individual disease, has proven they are not capable of honoring their contract with the sovereigns of the 50 Republics.
Thus, through the action of USA 2.0, the sovereigns of the United States declare the original contract known as the Constitution of the United States null and void. We replace it with the original and uncorrupted Constitution, with the exception of one point. That one point is the 16th amendment. We clarify and limit that amendment to a ten per cent income tax limitation, and a $25 fee limitation.
Any other moneys desired by the federal government must be pursued through individual bonds.
I will discuss the 16th amendment next article
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