Is Love an Over-Rated Emotion?
It makes me feel sad when I hear people (especially the younger generation) openly declare that 'Love' is an over-rated emotion. I'm not surprised to see that, in the present times, some people have completely lost faith in Love, and, in the power it wields, to change the world. Life, sometimes, does take a toll on the mental health of people by digging its cruel jaws in the human spirit, leaving it completely disillusioned. Over the time I've realized that if such imbalance / disharmony, on the spirit-level, is not taken care of as soon as it starts surfacing, it can turn 'disillusionment' in to either severe depression or barbarism. The negative effect, so to say, can go either way, creating suicidal maniacs or hard core criminals. In both cases we can see one significant element missing in lives of such people and that is 'Love'.
The more I delve in to human lives, the more I am lead to believe that 'Love' is the only powerful tool which has the potential to change the face of this planet. The magical power of love creates harmony between man and every element of Nature, and its paucity, destroys the very spirit of life. It's ultimately the lack of love which gives birth to criminals, unruly children, marital discords and contemptuous relationships at work and at home. It seems we all need to work, essentially, on our Heart Chakra so that we are able to receive and give love to all those around us. I, usually, advocate the importance of keeping all seven Chakras open using techniques mentioned in my earlier hubs (quick links given below), but when I see people around me, living a life devoid of love, I feel more driven to fill their hearts with love so that they are able to perceive this world in a way God intended to create it. Imagine how beautiful and fulfilling it would be if each one of us resonates with the energy of our Creator and bathe in His eternal light.
The Naked Spirit
A few days back I finished reading a book titled 'The Naked Spirit' by Jon Whale. One of my friends had gifted it to me and I feel grateful to him as he lent me an opportunity to read such a perfect blend of science and spirituality. Till the time I hadn't read it, I didn't know that science had answers to some of the most abstract beliefs that are related to spirituality. It was amazing to learn how and why the energy centers, commonly known as 'Chakras' (which I keep mentioning time and again) play a role in maintaining physical and mental health of a human body. The book is a perfect answer to all the readers who have been bombarding me with questions like..."What is the anatomical significance of Chakras? Do they really exist? How can you believe in something which you can't see? Are you inclined to spirituality because you've been a lawyer for a long time?" (Possibly they had 'Monk who sold his Ferrari' in mind). Lol.
The most interesting observation of the author is that we humans have an energy epicenter which he has coined as 'Assemblage Point'. It originates in the womb, with the umbilical cord and then moves towards the chest after birth. As per the author, it remains there as long as we are in healthy mental and physical state. He goes a step ahead in relating the assemblage point to the 'personality types' and even gives ways to work with the assemblage point for getting the desired results. The best part is that all his observations are backed by case studies that make the entire thing even more credible. The Book merges chakra activation, different levels of consciousness and graphology in one simple, yet scientifically complex recipe. It gives an amazing overview of the position of assemblage point at the time of death and explains the process by which it exits the body (navel or the crown) depending on the level of consciousness of the dying person. It is an easy-to-understand book mainly due to lot of illustrations, charts and tables provided by the author. I strongly recommend this book to all those who keep looking for the scientific explanations for the 'Unseen' and the 'world beyond'.
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